Are Alphabet and Tesla No-Brainer Stock-Split Stocks to Buy Right Now?

Among mega-cap stocks with market caps of $200 billion or more, only one has a higher share price than Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA). And investors have a much less expensive alternative to that stock -- Berkshire Hathaway's Class A shares -- by purchasing the company's class B shares.

But Alphabet and Tesla won't be so highly priced for much longer. Alphabet plans to conduct a 20-for-1 stock split on July 15, 2022. Tesla wants its shareholders to approve a 3-for-1 stock split at its annual meeting in August. Are Alphabet and Tesla no-brainer stock-split stocks to buy right now?

To be sure, stock splits don't offer magic formulas for companies to turbocharge their stock performance. As a case in point, Amazon's share price has fallen by a double-digit percentage since its 20-for-1 stock split a few weeks ago.

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