Are We Heading for a Recession? Here's What Investors Should Do.

The jury still is out when it comes to one of investors' biggest questions right now. Are we heading for a recession? The Federal Reserve modeled for a mild one later this year. Meanwhile, the economy has shown a certain degree of resilience -- and some economists say a recession could happen later or not at all.

This lack of visibility may have you wondering about how you should invest right now. Should you go for growth stocks that tend to outperform in strong economies? Should you seek the safety of dividend stocks and healthcare players? Or should you wait on the sidelines for more clear signals from the economy? Let's consider the situation -- and find out.

The stock market has rallied since the start of the year. That's after a tough 2022, when all three major benchmarks sank into bear territory. We're not in a bull market yet. But here are two positive points: Bull markets always follow bear markets. And many companies have reported progress in their recovery from last year's troubles. This could continue to fuel stock gains.

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