Are You a Super Saver? Find Out Here

The average American is notoriously bad about saving money. In fact, as of August 2017, the average household savings rate was 3.6% -- nowhere near enough to finance retirement, let alone save for more imminent expenses. However, a small group of people -- let's call them the super savers -- are successfully saving way more than that, month after month and year after year. Here are some of the qualities that distinguish these special savers.

Good savers are constantly looking for ways to up their financial game. They read books and articles about personal finance (such as this one), collecting information from multiple sources to ensure that they have access to people with different viewpoints. They also learn about investing, so that they can maximize their returns from their hard-won savings. And they keep on top of finance-related news that affects how they can best invest and save their money.

Image source: Getty Images.

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