Artificial Intelligence Is Driving Renewed Growth at NVIDIA

Artificial intelligence -- or at least the idea -- is nothing new. In the last few years, though, the decades-old phrase has gone from sci-fi fantasy (or sci-fi doomsday, depending on the writer) to an actual mainstream reality. And for good reason. AI is powering incredible operational changes, providing better insight on decision making, automating monotonous and soul-crushing tasks to free people's time for higher-level activity, and saving businesses money.

One of the pioneers of the movement is NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA), and the company's third-quarter 2019 earnings call featured AI unlike any I can recall in recent memory. Though most investors think of NVIDIA as the graphics processor unit (GPU) designer for high-end video gaming (which it most certainly is), it's often forgotten that much of NVIDIA's current cutting-edge work is because of video games. That includes AI, which is quickly taking over as the leading driver of growth for the chip giant.

Image source: NVIDIA.

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