Ask a Fool: What Numbers Should I Pay Attention to in Earnings Reports?

We're about a week into 2017's second-quarter earnings season, so if you own stocks, many of them have probably already reported, or are going to within the next few weeks.

Although each company's earnings per share (bottom line) and revenue (top line) numbers and how they compare with analysts' expectations typically dominate the headlines, they aren't the most important part of a company's earnings report. In fact, an earnings beat or miss all by itself matters very little from a long-term perspective. Just ask any longtime shareholder if they're still concerned that the company missed earnings estimates in the third quarter of 2016. The stock is up 26% since then, so I doubt it.

My point is that it's important to look at things in an earnings report that matter not only in an immediate sense, but give you a better idea of where the company is headed in the future.

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