AstraZeneca Might Receive Emergency Use Authorization for Its Coronavirus Vaccine

The Financial Times reported on Sunday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) might grant an emergency use authorization (EUA) in October to a vaccine for COVID-19 being developed by AstraZeneca (NYSE: AZN) and licensed from Oxford University. The vaccine, AZD1222, is currently in a phase 3 clinical trial that is now trying to enroll 30,000 people around the world in order to assess the safety and efficacy of the vaccine candidate.

With the COVID-19 pandemic having so far killed over 800,000 people worldwide -- and with reports that President Trump is trying to fast-track a vaccine before this November's U.S. election -- there is pressure on the FDA to grant approval for a vaccine as soon as possible. According to the Financial Times report, one plan being considered is for AstraZeneca to submit an EUA based on part of the phase 3 study being conducted in the U.K., involving a subset of 10,000 people.

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