Avoid These 3 Critical Investing Mistakes at All Costs Right Now

No investor is perfect, and all of us will likely end up making an investment decision we'll regret in the future. That's just how it goes. However, there are some mistakes many people have made in the past that you can learn from and avoid. Here are three critical investing mistakes to avoid at all costs right now.

Investing is important, there's no denying that fact. However, what's more important is having some financial security in case things go awry in your life. That's why before you begin investing, you should always try to have an emergency fund saved up. To get an idea of how much your emergency fund should be, you should first calculate your monthly expenses. From there, your goal should be to save three to six months worth of expenses.

If you're single and essentially only responsible for your own livelihood, you can likely get away with having three months of expenses saved up. If you have a family, you'll want to aim to have at least six months worth saved up, just to be on the safer side.

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Source Fool.com