Baozun Stock Is Still a Top E-Commerce Bet in Mainland China

It's been a wild ride, but with just a month left in 2020 shares of Baozun (NASDAQ: BZUN) are up nearly 16% since the start of the year. E-commerce is already a well-established field in mainland China, but in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, it's more important than ever. Baozun's third-quarter 2020 results speak to this fact. If you think digital retail is the future for famous consumer brands, this stock is a worthwhile bet.

Baozun's third-quarter revenue increased by 22% year over year to 1.83 billion Chinese yuan ($269 million). Within the total, product sales were up 21% year over year to 803 million yuan, and service sales (primarily Baozun's consignment model, where it acts as a service partner for brands distributing products in China) were up 22% to 1.03 billion yuan. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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