Bargain Hunters: 2 Growth Stocks Down 56% and 66% to Buy Right Now

The technology-centric Nasdaq 100 index is down 14% year to date, which is quite a feat given it's only February. The index is inching closer to bear-market territory, which is typically defined as a loss of 20% or more.

But many individual stocks are already there. Duolingo (NASDAQ: DUOL) and Sea Limited (NYSE: SE) have fallen 56% and 66% from their all-time highs, respectively. Both companies have business models built for the future, so investors should view this as a buying opportunity that can generate significant returns over the long term.

Duolingo estimates 1.8 billion people are learning a foreign language around the world right now, using a variety of different methods. But the market for digital methods is expected to grow an average of 25% per year until 2025, far outpacing overall industry growth of just 11%. That means Duolingo is perfectly positioned to ride this tailwind thanks to its online approach.

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