Bear Market Blues? Buy 1 Stock Now

(NYSE: CLX) is a well-known and respected consumer staples company. Since the stock hit a peak in 2020, the company has suffered through a series of unfortunate events. That's left the stock price down 40% or so from its high-water mark and pushed the dividend yield up to 3.4%.

If the fear of a bear market has you feeling blue, Clorox has already been through the Wall Street ringer and, therefore, might be of interest.

Clorox's namesake product is closely tied to cleaning. It also sells other brands in the cleaning space that you probably know well, like Pine-Sol and Mistolin, among others. Demand for cleaning products skyrocketed during the coronavirus pandemic as people attempted to slow the spread of the illness by augmenting their cleaning regimes. That was good news for Clorox, but the company didn't have enough production. That required it to hire contract manufacturers to ensure that store shelves remained full.

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