Benefits Of Using Kirobo to Send Cryptocurrencies

We agree. Cryptocurrency transfers can be risky sometimes.

Due to its nature, cryptocurrency transfers can be prone to mistakes. Moreover, unlike in other means of transfers, errors in crypto transfers could be dangerous and costly.

When sending cryptocurrencies, the most important consideration is security. is a blockchain company that helps deal with risks associated with cryptocurrency transactions. Since its founding in 2018, Kirobo has shown leadership in developing innovations and security in cryptocurrencies.

If there’s a company we highly recommend, it’s Kirobo. That’s because the company has developed processes that not only secure transactions, but also guarantee privacy.

How does this happen?

Code Verification

Kirobo helps to prevent common errors and losses by ensuring layers of protection that work on two levels.

First, the recipient must enter a transaction code without which the transfer cannot be effected. If the recipient can’t provide the right code, the funds can be retrieved easily.

Let’s look at this in more detail.

Once a transaction is initiated on Kirobo, the sender is required to add a transaction code. The amount to be transferred is then deducted from the sender’s balance, which immediately reflects on the blockchain network. The code is then sent to the recipient. The recipient may receive the code via SMS, phone call or any other convenient means.

Once the code is sent, the recipient must enter the sent code before the transfer is effected.

In the case that the recipient is unable to provide the RIGHT code, the transaction can be cancelled by the sender.

Can Kirobo be Trusted?


Kirobo has proved a very reliable medium of cryptocurrency transactions for many clients.

There are many reasons why Kirobo can be trusted.

Kirobo has no access to users’ funds

Kirobo is a trusted platform, but it doesn’t have any access to the funds of the users nor does it have access to the destination account. The private key to the account is in the possession of ONLY the account holder. Kirobo has no access, at any level to it.

Kirobo servers don’t affect users funds

So, you’re wondering what happens to your funds in case Kirobo servers are down? Your funds are secure. You can still pull down your funds even if for some reasons Kirobo servers can’t be accessed.

Kirobo has the full approval of relevant authorities

Due to the sensitive nature of cryptocurrency transactions, Kirobo has been subjected to several audition exercises by relevant regulatory agencies including the Israeli Innovation Authority, and have always been declared up to standard. Other auditors have also examined the books of Kirobo and have also found the records and accounts to be reputable.

Kirobo’s partnership with DigiCrypts

Kirobo’s desire to guarantee unfailing financial solutions drove it to partner with DigiCrypts Blockchain Solutions (DigiMax), a provider of Artificial Intelligence and crypto technology solutions.

DigiMax invested $5 million into Kirobo after considering the startup a leader in secure financial solutions. The strategic investment, according to DigiMax will help Kirobo to launch wealth management and crypto transaction products, which will eventually be integrated into DigiMax’s broad platform.

Kirobo’s CEO Asaf Naim sees the partnership as “a firm seal of approval in Kirobo’s service offering from a highly renowned technology solutions provider”

The partnership is expected to not only improve the service quality of Kirobo, but further consolidate the leading role the startup has been playing in the crypto sector.

Kirobo has attracted the best brains in crypto

Kirobo is managed by some of the best brains in the fintech sector. However, its partnership with DigiMax has attracted some of the brightest cryptocurrency experts to its platform. One of such is the highly revered crypto pioneer Brock Pierce, who co-founded EOS Alliance,, Blockchain Capital, Tether and Mastercoin. Brock Pierce, who was excited about the prospects of the partnership between DigiMax and Kirobo is on the advisory board to further consolidate the excellent service quality of Kirobo.

If you’re still considering a tech company to trust, would you have any doubts about one to which Brock Pierce is an advisor?

Extension of innovative “Undo” button to cover more cryptocurrencies

One of the innovations of Kirobo is the “undo button” solution.

The ‘undo’ solution allows users to reverse a virtual currency transaction sent by mistake. The innovation has greatly reduced risks associated with transactions and has greatly erased a lot of fears that had come to be known with cryptocurrencies.

Before now, the undo feature only applied to Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) transactions, as they were the first cryptocurrencies to witness such a function.

Kirobo, as a customer-satisfying FinTech company has now extended the “Undo” feature to other cryptos, namely Sushi Coin, UNI, Chainlink (LINK), Binance Coin (BNB), Tether (USDT), and its native token, KIRO.

On the Kirobo platform, your transactions are now more secure than ever. And when, as a human, you hit the wrong button, Kirobo’s got you covered. Just “undo”, and your wallet is reimbursed!.

Kirobo is a smart choice

Kirobo’s vision remains unchanged: “make crypto management as seamless and secure as online banking, and ultimately, grant crypto users better control of their money”.

That sounds like something you’d want.

The vision is clear. And so is the direction. You won’t be making a mistake transacting cryptocurrencies through Kirobo.

The post Benefits Of Using Kirobo to Send Cryptocurrencies appeared first on ValueWalk.

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