Best Stock to Buy: Amazon vs. Alibaba

When China's e-commerce outfit (NYSE: BABA) went public back in 2014, investors were understandably stoked. The market was looking for the next Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), which had performed very well since its initial public offering back in 1997. What better way to repeat the performance than with a company that could be considered China's carbon copy of Amazon itself? And for the better part of the past 10 years, Alibaba stock dished out Amazon-like gains.

The past three years, however, have been different. While Amazon shares continued to perform well -- overcoming 2022's bear market -- Alibaba's stock is back within sight of a record low.

What gives? And more than that, is this weakness a chance to step into a stake in Alibaba? Or does Amazon remain a go-to pick?

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