Better Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock: AMD vs. Palantir Technologies

Artificial intelligence (AI) has turned out to be a hot growth driver for many companies over the past 15 months or so. That is not surprising, considering that the technology has the potential to impact multiple industries and raise the global gross domestic product (GDP) by a whopping $7 trillion over the next decade, according to Goldman Sachs. Also not surprisingly, investors are looking for companies that can win big from this massive opportunity.

Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ: AMD) and Palantir Technologies (NYSE: PLTR) are two such companies that have risen rapidly in the past year thanks to the AI hype. Both tech stocks have delivered eye-popping gains and are trading at premium valuations, even though their growth rates haven't been good enough to support the surge in their share prices. Investors are betting on the fact that AI will supercharge their growth.

If you have to choose from one of these two potential AI winners, which one should you be buying right now? Let's take a closer look.

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