Better Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock: Nvidia vs. AMD

It's a hotly debated topic if Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) or AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) is the better artificial intelligence (AI) stock. These two are critical suppliers when it comes to AI, as their graphics processing units (GPUs) are utilized in data centers to process these intense models. While Nvidia has been dominant in the early innings of the AI arms race, nothing is saying AMD can't emerge on top as the market matures.

So, which of these two AI juggernauts is the better investment? Let's find out.

GPUs are vital to processing AI models because they can perform calculations in parallel. This allows them to train AI models much quicker than a traditional CPU (central processing unit). The effect is amplified when hundreds or thousands of GPUs are connected in a data center, and more parallel processing paths are created.

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