Better Bull Market Buy: CRISPR vs. Medtronic Stock

The market hasn't yet entered bull territory, but it's getting close. The S 500 already rose more than 20% from its bear market low -- now, it just has to reach a new high, and the next bull market will begin. Meanwhile, what can you do to prepare? You can pick up a few stocks that have what it takes to excel in a market that favors growth.

You may not immediately think of healthcare, known for offering investors some safety. After all, patients need their medicines and procedures no matter what the economy is doing. But you actually can find some interesting growth players in the area of healthcare. Here, Motley Food contributors Adria Cimino and Keith Speights discuss two favorites -- CRISPR Therapeutics (NASDAQ: CRSP) and Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) -- that could be entering a new era of growth. Which makes the best bull market buy? Let's find out.

Adria Cimino (Medtronic): Medtronic has been going through a period of transformation, and the efforts are starting to bear fruit. In the most recent quarter, revenue increased 6% on an organic basis, and the company lifted its revenue and earnings per share guidance for the year. Medtronic also reported revenue growth in 11 of 12 geographies during the quarter.

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