Better Buy: AMC Entertainment vs. Netflix

Media-streaming veteran Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) and movie theater operator AMC Entertainment (NYSE: AMC) have a lot in common -- but they are nothing alike. One company represents the future of the filmed entertainment industry while the other is a relic of Hollywood's fading legacy. Yet both are extremely popular investments with massive daily trading volumes. So, lots of investors are asking whether they should buy Netflix or AMC on any given day.

Let me show you why the answer should be obvious.

Surely, you remember AMC's hair-raising market action in 2021. Swept up in the meme stock craze alongside fellow speculative names such as GameStop (NYSE: GME) and BlackBerry, AMC's stock mixed skyrocketing jumps with sudden crashes. AMC shares gained 527% in January and 219% in May but also lost 30% or more in February, July, and August. This stock was more volatile than Bitcoin or Ethereum in many ways, with a 1-year beta value of negative 3.9. A value investor could lose a good night's sleep for less.

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