Better Buy: Amazon vs. GameStop

As great as an investment Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has been for long-term growth investors it's no match lately against the meteoric stock rise of GameStop (NYSE: GME). The video game retailer saw its stock more than triple last year, and this year it catapulted as a "meme stock." Even after retreating sharply since their frenzied peak the shares are up 741% this young year. 

If we draw the starting line at the end of February last year GameStop is a stunning 45-bagger. That's a jaw-dropping spurt in a little more than 13 months. Amazon's been a perpetual market beater but you would have to go back 12 years to find the point where the world's leading online retailer is also a 45-bagger. 

GameStop is the hot stock, but the fundamentals are overwhelmingly in Amazon's favor. Let's size up each name to see which one is the better buy right now.

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