Better Buy: Aphria vs. Aurora Cannabis

If you're looking to invest in the cannabis market, now's definitely a tough time, with most large-cap pot stocks witnessing significant losses over the past 12 months. Coupled with the fact that the majority of them are still struggling to break even, it's not surprising why so many investors are taking a step back from the market.

However, there still are some stocks out there worth investing in. Aurora Cannabis (NYSE: ACB) has lost much of its appeal, but at the right price, it could be a suitable investment. Another notable pot stock, Aphria (NYSE: APHA), has historically had its own issues regarding internal scandals. However, the company is one of the few that has reported a profit and is priced at a significant discount in comparison to its competition.

Let's take a look at both of these stocks to determine which is the better cannabis investment.

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