Better Buy: Illumina vs. Guardant Health

Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN) is a giant in the field of DNA sequencing. Using its machines, biotech companies can design drugs to target specific cell receptors in the human body. Illumina's stock has been a monster for years; it's up 5,791% since the company's initial public offering in 2000. 

Guardant Health (NASDAQ: GH) is a fast-growing oncology company that is replacing tissue sampling for cancers with a simple blood test. When a patient has an advanced cancer, doctors can use the company's liquid biopsy called Guardant360 to determine the cancer's genomic profile. This blood test is far simpler, easier, and safer than removing tissue from a patient's organs. Guardant's stock is up 165% since its initial public offering in 2018, dwarfing the S&P 500 over that time span.

What's the better buy going forward, Illumina or Guardant Health? We'll look at valuation, market opportunity, and competitive threats to decide.

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