Better Buy Now: Gold, Silver, or Copper?

2022 has so far been the year of commodities. Oil, natural gas, wheat, soy, uranium, lithium, gold, silver, and base metals like copper, aluminum, and nickel have all caught the attention of investors. Commodities react to supply and demand. And demand for many commodities is rising faster than supply.

Commodities are real assets that can perform well during times of inflation. Gold and silver have long been seen as hedges against a recession. And copper's use cases have only grown in recent years, partially because of electric vehicle applications.

Royal Gold (NASDAQ: RGLD), iShares Silver Trust (NYSEMKT: SLV), and First Quantum Minerals (TSX: FM) are three ways to invest in gold, silver, and copper, respectively. Here's what makes each security a great buy now. 

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