Let's make this short and sweet, dear reader. Roku (NASDAQ: ROKU) is a strong buy right now. Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) isn't.

I see Roku as one of the best buys on the market today; I added to my Roku position in my personal portfolio as recently as March 17. This is a skyrocketing growth stock on the rise, and the COVID-19 crisis will only help Roku accelerate its business growth -- streaming media platforms are a hot ticket right now. That's simply the start of a long-term wealth-building investment idea.

Apple is a very different story. Cupertino always struck me as a one-trick pony, and that single horse looks mighty tired these days. The one-two punch of coronavirus fallout and the simmering Chinese-American trade war will add up to a terrible year for Apple, and the company's best days may already be behind it. I've never owned a single share of Apple, and that's not changing any time soon.

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Source Fool.com