Investors looking at where to put their money can benefit by identifying key factors at a company, including visionary leadership, a track record of strong performance, and a business at the center of a secular growth trend. Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) check those boxes and more.

Amazon has a visionary founder leader in Jeff Bezos and has grown into a $1.6 trillion (by market cap) retailing juggernaut. Shopify is lesser-known but has shown Amazon-like growth under its visionary founder leader, Tobi Lutke, since a 2015 public offering. It helps merchants set up digital stores and then provides services to help those businesses grow.

E-commerce has been expanding for years, but it took off when the coronavirus pandemic led to stay-at-home orders. Shopify shares are up about 130% this year. Amazon is up about 70%. Which is the better buy right now? Let's take a look.

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