Billionaire Stan Druckenmiller Has 20% of His Portfolio Invested in 2 Brilliant Stocks

Stan Druckenmiller ran the very successful hedge fund Duquesne Capital Management between 1981 and 2010. He never had a single losing year, and his hedge fund returned an average of 30% annually to clients, easily outperforming the S 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC).

Today, Druckenmiller manages his personal wealth through Duquesne Family Office, and he remains an excellent case study for investors. Indeed, he achieved a 41% return during the three-year period that ended March 31, crushing the 32% return in the S 500.

As of the first quarter, Druckenmiller had 20.1% of his portfolio invested in just two stocks: 11% in (NASDAQ: MSFT) and 9.1% in Coupang (NYSE: CPNG). Both stocks performed brilliantly over the past year, with Microsoft returning 31% and Coupang returning 36%, while the S 500 returned 26%.

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