Billionaires Just Poured About $67 Billion Into These 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to revolutionize our lives -- at least if big tech is to be believed. Plenty of products already hit the market, like ChatGPT, and while they have made a splash, the technology's true impact has yet to be felt. That promise of more to come is driving incredible growth for companies involved in AI.

Top fund managers are snapping up shares of these businesses as they try to capture as much value from the technology's explosive growth as possible. Funds with more than $100 million in assets under management need to report their trades every quarter to the Securities and Exchange Commission on form 13F. Lucky for us, it's public knowledge.

Knowing where the "smart money" is flowing can help you make sound decisions, but it should only be part of your information gathering. It turns out that the smart money isn't always so smart -- and besides, there are plenty of managers selling shares of all of the following five stocks.

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