Boss Taking Credit for Your Work? Here's How to Respond

Unfortunately, there are some bosses that speak glowingly about the value of teamwork, and then turn around and take the credit for a new idea or recently completed project they had little to do with. If you've been in the workforce for any length of time, it's likely something similar has already happened to you. If not, sadly it probably will happen at some point.

Frustration is unavoidable, but dealing with a situation in which an immediate supervisor enjoys the fruits of your labor is not only wrong, but it can also hold you back from being offered new opportunities and even promotions, because the "higher-ups" will never know it was your idea or work that earned the plaudits from company execs.

Here is a real world example -- with names changed to protect the innocent of course -- of how to deal with the unfortunate reality of having an untrustworthy boss.

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