Box Loses One of Its Top Managers, but Gains a Former Apple Exec

If you're an ambitious tech company and you lose a long-serving top manager, you could do worse than to replace that person with a veteran Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) executive. That's exactly what happened to enterprise cloud storage specialist Box (NYSE: BOX) last week, with its share price getting a nice little bump on the news. 

The departing executive was its chief operating officer, Dan Levin, who is vacating the post to move on to his "next chapter," which was not specified. Levin has been with Box for seven years, which is quite a big number in Box time (the company was founded in 2005, and had its IPO in 2015). He will remain an employee until Sept. 30 and continue to occupy his seat on the board of directors.

Image source: Box. 

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