Broadcom Completed Its 10-for-1 Stock Split but Is Still the Largest Holding in These 2 Vanguard ETFs

The anticipated 10-for-1 split of (NASDAQ: AVGO) has officially arrived. Investors can now buy a full share for around $171 instead of $1,710, although there are now 10 times more shares. Stock splits can affect price-weighted indexes like the Dow Jones Industrial Average but don't alter market-cap-weighted indexes like the S 500 or Nasdaq Composite or market-cap-weighted exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Broadcom remains the largest holding in the Vanguard Value ETF (NYSEMKT: VTV) and the Vanguard Mega Cap Value ETF (NYSEMKT: MGV). Here's why both ETFs are worth buying now.

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