Buy This Undervalued Stock Before Everyone Else Does

It's been a rough year for Dollar General (NYSE: DG), and by extension, for its shareholders. The discount retailer's stock is down more than 50% from last November's high after the company misjudged the amount of pent-up consumerism that would be unleashed coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. It bought up more inventory than it could sell in 2022, forcing heavy markdowns between then and now.

Dollar General's habits of understaffing stores and allowing merchandise to pile up in stockrooms have also been well exposed in the meantime -- never mind the oversized toll that lingering inflation has taken on the store chain's core customers.

Investing isn't always a straightforward science, though. There's an art to it, too. That art includes being able to spot a stock on the verge of a recovery because the underlying company is nearing a much-needed turnaround.

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