Can Disney Stock Go From Worst of the Dow to Best in 2022?

It was generally a good year for the 30 blue chips resident in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. A healthy 22 of 30 Dow stocks are nearing the end of the year with positive returns through Wednesday's close.

Adjusted for dividends, there's just one Dow component with a double-digit decline in 2021. Who's the bleeder of the band? M-I-C, know the rest. And yes, it's Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS). Disney stock is down 14% in 2021, double the slide of the Dow's second-biggest decliner. Things could be worse than a low-teens drop this year, but the entertainment giant has clearly disappointed investors.

Can this year's biggest loser among the Dow 30 bounce back to be the biggest winner in 2022? Let's break down what it would take for the mother of all reversals at the House of Mouse.

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