Can General Electric Be Great Again?

If you're a millennial or older, you probably have at least a faint memory of the days that industrial conglomerate General Electric (NYSE: GE) was one of the world's largest, most influential companies. The company was a $400 billion titan before the financial crisis in 2008-2009 brought GE to its knees, where it's struggled to get up from ever since.

Today, the company's in the midst of a massive transformation, selling chunks of itself to slim down its business and get growth back on track. General Electric recently reported 2021 Q4 earnings, showing that its financials seem to be improving. Here's what investors need to know as the company prepares for more significant changes.

Sometimes the bold move is the right move, and it's not always easy to make. In November, General Electric announced plans to divest several business units into their own companies, leaving General Electric focused on aviation.

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