Can I Get a Tax Extension Because of the Coronavirus?

The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, is wreaking havoc on the stock market, upending the travel industry, and threatening disruption to our daily lives. And in the midst of all the chaos, it's easy to see how taxes could easily fall by the wayside, despite 2019 returns being due in just over a month.

So what happens if you or the person who does your taxes is forced into quarantine in the coming weeks, leaving you unable to complete your return on time? Or what if a change in schedule or routine (say, an extended school closure) throws you off your game and leaves you needing extra weeks to get your taxes done?

The good news is that you're not out of luck in this scenario, because you can get more time to complete your return. But whether that comes at a cost will depend on if you owe the IRS money or not.

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