Can T-Mobile's New Phone Plan Win Subscribers?

With Americans practicing social distancing, they've become more reliant on phone and internet connections than ever. All the major wireless carriers have suspended data caps for those that don't already have unlimited access. They're also opening mobile hotspot capabilities for those without access and expanding data allowances to ensure greater home connectivity as more people work from home.

All these moves ought to lead to greater subscriber retention in the coming months.

But T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS) is making a move that it hopes will win over consumers that may have been displaced from work and need to find ways to cut back on their spending. The wireless carrier will start offering its $15 per month T-Mobile Connect prepaid plan on March 25. The company originally planned to start offering the low-priced plan after its merger with Sprint (NYSE: S) closed, but it made the move early in response to COVID-19. Will it help it steal subscribers from rivals AT&T (NYSE: T) and Verizon (NYSE: VZ)?

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