Can Tech Companies Make Virtual Reality More Than Just a Tech Toy?

Tech companies are in love with the idea of virtual reality right now. Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG)(NASDAQ: GOOGL), HTC, Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), Samsung, Lenovo, and Microsoft are just a few of the big companies introducing VR headsets of one form or another. And the incredible technology is getting better every year. 

What these tech companies haven't been able to do is make VR a big business and turn the technology into something customers will engage with on a regular basis. And I would argue that's because they don't yet know how to make VR technology more than a cool toy because their business models aren't built for VR. It's even possible Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) will make augmented reality commonplace with the iPhone and iPad before any of these companies can make VR everyday technology. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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