Can These 2 Stock-Split Stocks That Gained 81% to 124% in 2023 Double in 2024?

If there's one thing we learned in 2023 (and there were definitely many things to be learned), it's that we have no idea what the world will look like by the end of 2024.

Last year began with strong concerns about a coming recession, along with tepid confidence in the market. A year later, the market is coming off a 24% gain, and the Federal Reserve has successfully navigated raising interest rates without setting off a recession.

But when investing, you have to make decisions with the information at hand. One place to start is with companies boasting strong track records. Two that fit the bill today are Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and (NYSE: SHOP). Both had incredible performances in 2023, gaining 81% and 124% respectively.

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