Can XRP (Ripple) Reach $5 in 2022?

Ripple's digital payment system was on top of the world at the end of 2020. The XRP (CRYPTO: XRP) cryptocurrency that serves as the RippleNet platform's preferred transaction currency reached a multi-year high of $0.69 per token in late November as the vision of an ultra-efficient international payment system started coming together.

But the progress hit a brick wall just a few weeks later when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Ripple and its top executives with conduction of $1.3 billion of trades in unregistered securities. Many cryptocurrency exchanges and trading services stopped offering XRP trades over the next couple of weeks and the currency's price plunged below $0.18 per token before the end of 2020.

The XRP chart has been choppy ever since, soaring or plunging as the SEC lawsuit worked its way through the legal process. When the SEC stepped in, many investors had expected XRP to soon eclipse its all-time highs just below $4 per token. Is that still a reasonable goal in the near future?

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