Can You Book a Hotel With a Debit Card?

Are you one of those who are worried about using a debit card instead of a credit card for your hotel stay? Well, a tourist, traveler, or person on a business trip might get stuck on the same question thinking about the possibility of reserving a room with their debit card.

So you’re planning a vacation and have your cards with you. The first thing is to make a hotel reservation for your stay. You have to choose whether to book with a credit or debit card. Credit card use is common, but can you use a debit card for a hotel?

You can use a debit card for a hotel. However, there may be rules and policies that apply. It’s always best to call the hotel in advance to find out their policy on using debit cards.

In this article, we will tell you about everything you need to know to use your debit card on your next trip. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Booking a Hotel Room with a Debit Card

Debit cards offer a convenient way to pay for hotel rooms, and many hotels accept them as payment. However, there are a few hotels that only take credit cards. If you use a debit card instead of a credit card, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

Check Your Account Balance

Checking your balance is an important term to consider before making a hotel room reservation. It will ensure that you have enough funds available to cover the cost of the room. In addition, you should also have some extra money in your account for unexpected situations. to make a stay at a hotel because you never know what will happen. 

Simply log into your online banking account or visit your local bank branch to check your account balance. Once you have your balance information, you can proceed with booking your hotel room.

Debit Card Holds

When you book a hotel room, most hotels will place a hold on your credit or debit card. It is done for two reasons: to ensure that you have enough funds to cover your stay or to cover any accidental damage to the room. 

The amount of the hold may vary but is typically the cost of the room plus taxes and any other security charges or damages to the room. The hotel will release the hold once you check out of the hotel. 

Some hotels will release the hold as soon as you check out, while others may keep it until they receive payment from your bank (which could take a few days). Be sure to ask about the hotel’s policy when you make your reservation so you’re not surprised by a significant hold on your account.

Identify the Hold Amount

You have to know the amount of the hold the hotel will place on your account because the hotel will place a hold on your card if you don’t have enough money. There are different ways to identify the amount of hold that will be placed on your card.

If you are making the reservation by yourself, then searching for the hotel’s policy is recommended through online web pages. All hotels have mentioned all the details related to the hold amount, incidental charges, security charges, and many more.

If you are using a third-party site for reserving a room. You can ask them about the term and policies. The best way to determine the exact amount that the hotel will hold is to contact the hotel directly. They will provide you with all the possible information.

Hotel Room Incidental Charges

Most hotels will place a hold on your debit card when you book a room. The amount of the hold varies, but it’s typically the room cost plus a daily incidentals fee. This fee covers room service, phone calls, and movies you charge to your room during your stay. 

If you have any questions about incidental charges during your stay, feel free to ask the front desk for more information. They can help you understand what’s included in the daily fee and how much things like room service will cost.

Can You Afford the Hold Amount?

It depends on the amount of money you own in your bank account. It also depends upon the hotel’s policy where you will stay. Sometimes the hold may be more than what you’re paying for the room.

For example, let’s say you book a hotel room that costs $100 per night. The hotel may place a $200 hold on your card. It means that you won’t be able to use that $200 for anything else until the hold is released, which could take a few days after you check out of the hotel.

If you’re not sure if you can afford the hold amount, call the hotel and ask. They should be able to tell you how much they’ll be holding on your card. Some hotels may allow you to pay the room amount with a debit card and then pay the hold amount with another form of payment, such as cash or a credit card. If this is an option, ensure you understand all the details before booking your room.

How to Avoid Some or All of the Hold?

If you’re using a debit card to pay for your hotel room, there’s a good chance you’ll be hit with a hold. Fortunately, there are a few ways to avoid or minimize the hold.

Use of Cash

If you dislike dealing with credit card holds and limited credit lines, you can pay in cash. A hotel, for example, may request a cash security deposit in place of a credit card.

Use the Same Card

Try to use the same card during the reservation and clearance to avoid extended holds. When you pay with two different cards, the pending hold fee may take longer to be cleared.

Inquire about credit card holds in advance

Ask the hotel’s reception about the holding policy before making a payment; it can help you decide if you want to stay or use a different card.

Understand your balance and credit limit

Set up spending alerts to notify you if you’re approaching the limit. It will help you keep an eye on your credit card limit to prevent a hold from exceeding the balance.

Ask the hotel to remove the hold after clearance of the bill

After clearing your dues, ask the hotel to remove the hold from your card. They will immediately remove the hold, and you will be able to enjoy the next purchase with your card.

Try to pay for your room with a credit card. It won’t guarantee you won’t get a hold, but it’s worth a shot. You can pay the hotel bill in cash to avoid a hold. Try to find a hotel that doesn’t put a hold. It is becoming more common, so it’s worth checking into. Use the same card during the reservation and clearance to avoid extended holds. Ask the hotel’s reception about the holding policy before making a payment; it can help you decide if you want to stay or use a different card.

How to Shorten the Hold?

There are a few things you can do to try and shorten the hold on your account.

Ask about the Hotel Policy

Call the hotel in advance and tell them you’ll be using a debit card. Ask if they have any policy regarding debit card users’ holds. Some hotels may be willing to work with you to shorten or eliminate the hold. 

Estimate Your Expenses

Try to give the hotel a reasonable estimate of your expenses. If you’re only planning on using the room for sleeping and showering, let them know and ask that they adjust the hold accordingly. The more accurate you are with your estimate, the more likely the hotel will be to shorten the hold. 

Use a High-Limit Debit Card

Use the one with the highest limit if you have multiple debit cards. It will give the hotel more flexibility regarding the amount of the hold. Because sometimes, you never know how much the hotel is charging a hold.

The hold on your card remains for up to 6 to more business days depending upon the hotel’s policy. You can’t be able to use your card for a week” after checkout sounds excessive. You can reduce the hold time with the help of PIN.

If you input your PIN during the transaction, a hold on your debit card may last a shorter time. The transaction process will be treated like a credit charge if you do not enter your PIN. It may result in a longer clearing time.

When you check out of a hotel, the transaction is complete. As a result, payments will remain on hold for your stay. Using or not using a PIN does not affect how quickly money in your account becomes available. After all, the entire purpose of the hold is to shield the hotel from unpaid charges. The possibility of unpaid bills continues until you leave.

While there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to shorten the hold on your account, following these tips will give you the best chance of success.

Credit vs. Debit

You have two main options when using your card for everyday purchases: credit and debit. Both have advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to understand the critical differences before deciding which one is right for you. 


A debit card gives the cardholder a set amount of funds against each purchase. It means you are bound to spend within your limit. For example, if you have a debit card with a limit of $1000, you can only spend up to $1000 using that card.

On the other hand, a credit card allows the cardholder to borrow money from a lending institution (usually a bank) up to a specific limit. For example, if you have a credit card with a limit of $1000, you can spend up to $1000 using that card and then pay back the money borrowed plus interest later. 

Annual Fees

Debit cards offer no fee for withdrawing your cash from an ATm at your bank. On the other hand, many credit cards have yearly fees that may be levied as a cash advance fee as well as a high-interest rate for convenience. However, you may have to pay additional fees to keep your checking account open.

Fraud Protection

Credit Cards offer high protection against fraudsters and unauthorized transactions. It also secures your personal information after the card is lost. While debit cards only offer protection if the customer reports within the time duration of 48 hours after the card disappeared.

If you’re concerned about being a debit card holder, you may consider using a credit card instead. Credit cards usually don’t have holds placed for hotel reservations, but you will be responsible for any charges you incur during your stay.


It is better to use a credit card to book a hotel room because you can avoid problems if something goes wrong with your reservation. For example, if you need to cancel your reservation or make any changes to your stay, you can dispute the charges with your credit card company and potentially get a refund. 

On the other hand, if you use a debit card to book a hotel room and something goes wrong, you may not be able to get your money back as quickly. It is because when you use a debit card, the money is taken directly from your bank account, and it can be complicated to dispute charges with your bank.  

So, if you’re planning on booking a hotel room, it’s generally better to use a credit card rather than a debit card. 

Understand Bank and Hotel Policies

When traveling, it’s essential to understand your bank and hotel policies. This way, you can avoid any surprises when using your debit card.


Most banks have a daily limit on how much you can spend with your debit card. It means you may be unable to book a hotel room that costs more than your limit. Some banks charge a small fee for booking a hotel with your debit card. That’s why it’s essential to know your bank’s policy before traveling if you don’t want to get stuck without enough money to cover your expenses.


Some hotels also have policies regarding debit cards. They may require tyou to present your credit card when checking in or they may put a hold on your debit card for the amount of your stay. This hold can last for a few days after you check out. 

With some planning, you can avoid any issues when using your debit card to book a hotel room. Just be sure to understand the policies of your bank and your hotel.

Study the Cancellation Policy

Regarding the hotel’s policy, it’s crucial to study the cancellation policy before you book. Every hotel policy differs from the other. Many hotels will require that you cancel your reservation at least 24 hours in advance. 

Some hotels will drop the charges if you contact them as soon as possible. It might be 48 hours (or more) before your reservation date. Some hotels demand cancellation fees regardless of how promptly you cancel.

Their policies might differ if you reserve your hotel’s room through a third party. You have to contact them for your cancellation. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the cancellation policy so you don’t incur unnecessary fees.


Will Hotels Accept Debit Cards?

The answer to this question is yes. Many hotels will accept debit cards as payment, while others will not. And some hotels accept payment in both ways, i.e., debit and cards. Whether or not a hotel will take a debit card as charge varies from place to place. It’s always best to call ahead and ask before you make your reservation.

Can I Use Debit Card for Hotel Deposit?

Yes, you can use your debit card to make a hotel deposit. When you make your reservation, you can provide your debit card information instead and use that to pay the deposit. However, some hotels only allow using credit cards for their payment. So, it is always good to call ahead and ask about it.

How Much Does a Hotel Hold on your Debit Card?

The amount of the hold depends on your chosen hotel and its policies. But generally, the hold is between $50 to $200 depending upon your estimated stays, plus any additional charges you incur. Therefore, it is essential to ask ahead before making a reservation.

Does Hilton Put a Hold on Debit Cards?

Yes, Hilton does put a hold on debit cards. When you check-in, the hotel will place a hold on your card for the estimated amount of your stay, plus any incidentals you may charge to your room. The hold will remain on your card until you check out of the hotel.


When using a debit card to book a hotel room, ensure you know how much the hotel will be held on your card and that you have enough money to cover it. Try to use credit cards and prepaid cards for a better experience. To avoid surprises, it’s always a good idea to call the hotel in advance and inquire about their policies regarding debit cards. That way, you can be sure that everything will go without any hassle when you arrive for your stay.

Source valuewalk