Can You Retire as a Millionaire Using Only ETFs?

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have surged in popularity over the past few years -- fund inflows set a new record in 2021. And even with the S&P 500 down nearly 15% year to date, those inflows remain robust. According to FactSet Research, $332 billion flowed into ETFs in the first half of 2022. If investors keep up that pace, more money will be deployed into ETFs this year than was invested in them in any other year besides 2021.

So while many people are exiting their stock positions amid this market downturn, it appears that as a group, investors are still piling into ETFs. In volatile markets, there's an added appeal to investments that provide low-fee access to a diversified basket of stocks within a certain sector or that fit a specific investment style or strategy. And they are well-suited for those who are taking a long-term approach, which is why they make a lot of sense for those investing for retirement. But can you retire a millionaire by investing in ETFs alone?

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