Cannabis 2.0 Has Arrived In Canada, But It Will Be a While Before Investors See Results

Edible and ingestible cannabis products became legal in Canada as of Oct. 17, 2019, and they hit the shelves of pot shops in December. Often referred to as "cannabis 2.0" products, they're a new segment of the industry that should provide Canadian cannabis companies with a big boost in sales as consumers gain access to a variety of new products.

However, investors expecting to see pot stocks soar might have to be a bit more patient, because it could be a while before companies get an uptick from the new product sales.

Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta likely won't have cannabis 2.0 products ready for sale until later this month. The delay is due to the bureaucracy involved, including the time it takes retailers to follow the steps needed to obtain the products. In many cases, customers who are eager to purchase cannabis products can order them online rather than going to a store.

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