Cathie Wood Goes Shopping: 3 Beaten-Down Growth Stocks She Just Bought

Cathie Wood, the CEO of Ark Invest, made her name by embracing innovative businesses in the early stages of their life cycle. If you've been paying attention to the stock market lately, you know that up-and-coming technology stocks have been under a lot of pressure.

Despite prices that are sinking in the present, Wood thinks there could be big gains down the road for savvy tech stock investors who wait out the storm. Here are three stocks that are more than 77% below the peak prices they reached last year. Here's why Wood's convinced they can outperform over time.

Wood has been a big fan of UiPath (NYSE: PATH) since its stock market debut in April of 2021. Unfortunately, shares of this enterprise automation business have been hammered down around 78% from their post-IPO peak.

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