Cathie Wood Just Called This Company the Biggest AI Play in the World. But Does That Make the Stock a Buy?

One of the most scrutinized companies on Wall Street is Elon Musk's (NASDAQ: TSLA). The company is a pioneer of the electric vehicle (EV) revolution and dominates the market both in the U.S. and overseas. However, despite the company's parabolic growth, many investors remain skeptical of Tesla's long-term potential.

But one investor who has remained a supported and bullish investor for many years is Ark Invest CEO Cathie Wood. The prominent growth investor recently sat down for a panel discussion on CNBC to speak about artificial intelligence (AI). Unsurprisingly, Tesla quickly became the focal point of the conversation. More specifically, Wood dove deep into Tesla's self-driving technology and explained why she believes this is one of the keys that will make Tesla the biggest AI play in the world.

Let's break down the current operating picture at Tesla and analyze how the company is investing in AI. Given the hype around AI and its potential, now could be an interesting opportunity to scoop up shares in an under-the-radar AI stock, as many investors still view Tesla as primarily a car manufacturer.

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