Cathie Wood Says Tesla Stock Could Soar 1,030% by 2027 -- Elon Musk Says It's the Best Analysis He's Seen

Cathie Wood is the founder and CEO of Ark Invest, an asset management company focused on disruptive innovation. Wood became a sensation during the early days of the pandemic as her bold investment strategy led to incredible outperformance. The Ark Innovation ETF soared 148% in 2020, crushing the 16% return of the broader S 500.

All of those gains have since disappeared, but Wood remains confident in many of the same companies, especially Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA). Ark recently published a valuation model that prices Tesla at $2,000 per share by 2027, which implies 1,030% upside from its current price.

That valuation model hinges on robotaxis, a topic that Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently discussed in an interview with CNBC. He said that full self-driving (FSD) technology would ultimately allow Tesla to sell cars for software margins and that Ark Invest has the "best analysis" he's seen on the topic.

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