Cathie Wood's Ark Invest Is Selling Roku and Buying This Beaten-Down Growth Stock Instead

(NASDAQ: ROKU) is one of Cathie Wood's favorite stocks. It's the second-biggest holding across her Ark Invest funds. It's weighted heavily in the flagship Ark Innovation ETF (NYSEMKT: ARKK) and the Ark Next Generation Internet ETF (NYSEMKT: ARKW).

But Wood and her team have been selling Roku shares lately. Ark funds have dumped over 900,000 Roku shares since the start of November. Meanwhile, there's one stock Ark Invest has been buying to replace those shares.

The company is focused on a similar space as Roku, but its stock has been beaten down lately. Still, it plays a leading role in an industry experiencing secular growth, which means it could ultimately be worth a lot more.

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