Cloudflare Brings Major Improvements to Its Developer Platform

Cloudflare (NYSE: NET) is a lot more than a content-delivery network. The company has been building out a developer platform over the past few years, leveraging its global network of edge computing sites to solve scaling, performance, and latency problems for developers.

At the core of this platform is Workers, the company's serverless computing product. Workers allows developers to run code at the edge, anything from simple functions to full-fledged applications. Cloudflare handles the hard parts. Workers scales up and down as needed, and developers don't need to worry about predicting how much resources they'll need.

Cloudflare has been continually layering on additional developer services, all tightly integrated with Workers. Any complex web application, comprised of multiple components, requires more than just the ability to run code. Some sort of messaging system, allowing components to communicate, often makes life easier. And a database of some kind is usually required.

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