Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong Is Battling for Crypto's Future

It's been a tumultuous week for the crypto industry, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) really starting to crank up the heat. On Monday, the SEC sued the world's largest crypto exchange, Binance, on 13 different charges. Then a day later, it sued the large U.S. crypto exchange Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN).

In response to the suit, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong tweeted, "We're proud to represent the industry in court to finally get some clarity around crypto rules." The willingness of Armstrong to speak up is nothing new for the outspoken leader, who is battling for crypto's future. 

Most times, when a regulator sues a company or issues a big fine or enforcement action, you typically won't see the company at the heart of the case say too much. What they will say will be very guarded and likely have been run through several public relations specialists.

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