Coronavirus Investing: Should You Get Into Day Trading Now?

The coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, and people around the world are staying home more than ever. Some employers have told their employees not to report to work, while others have had to lay off their employees entirely. Schools in many states are closed, and government officials are emphasizing the need for social distancing in an effort to stem the COVID-19 disease.

Many people are getting desperate with their finances, and they want to take action. For those stuck at home, day trading stocks might seem like an opportune way to try to make some extra cash to make ends meet. Even though the success rate of day trading is extremely low, a rising number of people are taking advantage of their extra time to try to squeeze out a living.

There are several reasons day trading is just about the worst possible way you can try to make money in the market -- and why long-term investing is the better alternative. Before going into them, though, let's first look at the argument day trading fans are giving right now for why their way is best.

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