Could AstraZeneca's Asthma Drug Candidate Generate Billions?

Last month, British drugmaker AstraZeneca (NASDAQ: AZN) received good news from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on a potential rescue-inhaler treatment for asthma currently called PT027. The regulatory agency's Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee (PADAC) voted 16 to 1 to recommend approval in patients at least 18 years old.

With a decision from the FDA expected for the first half of 2023, there are a couple of important questions that investors might have. What was behind PADAC's overwhelming vote to recommend approval of PT027 for adult asthma patients? And how much of a boost could this indication provide to AstraZeneca?

The results of the phase 3 clinical trial for PT027 and the asthma rescue-inhaler market can address these questions.

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