Could Aurora Cannabis Turn Its Q3 Success Into Long-Term Growth?

Aurora Cannabis's (NYSE: ACB) stock has been wildly fluctuating since the release of its better-than-expected Q3 earnings report May 14 in which the company acknowledged $53.8 million in sales. First, Aurora's stock had an unusually strong day, surging upwards of 70% on Monday. Then, as quickly as traders piled on, the newfound gains soon ebbed over the next few days.

Aurora may soon try to frame its favorable Q3 earnings as a hard-fought success in a market environment where wins are hard to come by. But for investors with a longer time horizon than one week, these volatile price movements are just a blip in a fading stock's long decline. Given the weakened state of the retail market in the face of the pandemic, it is highly unlikely that Aurora can turn its fortunes around to return to last year's highs. 

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