Could Beyond Meat Stock Help You Become a Millionaire?

If Beyond Meat (NASDAQ: BYND) is America's best-known plant-based food manufacturer, then Ethan Brown, the company's founder and CEO, might be considered the face of the U.S. meatless protein industry. He's confident and charismatic, and deserves much of the credit for building Beyond Meat into a famous brand.

Just as Brown developed a dream into a well-known business, investors may harbor dreams of making millions from simply buying and holding Beyond Meat stock. Yet Brown's confidence can't ensure Beyond Meat's long-term viability, and wide-eyed traders should check the data before taking a big bite of a fast-falling stock.

It seems like eons ago, but it was in May 2019 when Beyond Meat stock debuted for public trading at $46 per share amid hype and buzz in the financial press. Before the end of that summer, the Beyond Meat share price would surpass $200.

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