Could Seadrill Partners LLC Be a Millionaire Maker Stock?

This past year has been another disappointing one for investors in Seadrill Partners (NYSE: SDLP). The offshore drilling company has lost more than 20% of its value since the calendar flipped the page, and it's now down more than 85% since it went public in late 2012. On the one hand, that plunge suggests the company could rebound sharply in the coming years as it makes up lost ground now that the oil market appears to be showing signs of improvement. That said, even with that upside potential, this stock doesn't seem to have the fuel needed to turn a small investment into seven figures.

One of the great things about investing is that it's possible to turn a small amount of money into a massive nest egg given the right returns and time frame. For example, a $1,000 investment that earns an annualized return of 16.6% each year would grow to $1 million in about 45 years. That said, given that the stock market's average return is about 10% annually, that scenario marks supersized outperformance for decades since it would take that same $1,000 nearly 75 years to hit seven figures if it earned market-matching returns.

Image source: Getty Images.

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