Could These 3 Ultra-High-Yield Stocks Help You Retire a Millionaire?

There's more than one way to build wealth. In fact, it often makes sense to include a number of different investment approaches in the same portfolio. For example, mixing high-yield stocks into a growth-oriented portfolio may help to even out performance.

If you are eyeing a seven-figure nest egg as your ultimate investment goal, Enbridge (NYSE: ENB), Pioneer Natural Resources (NYSE: PXD), and Hannan Armstrong (NYSE: HASI) are three ultra-high-yield stocks that may help you get there. Let's find out a bit more about these three stocks.

One of the big problems with growth stocks is that they tend to be very volatile, with big upswings and big drawdowns. If you add in a stock like Enbridge, which offers a dividend that yields a hefty 7.2% today, you have given yourself a foundation that you can rely on. There are a few reasons for this.

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